Chapter 6.3, 6.4 Review Question Preview (ID: 45174)

Chapter 6.3, 6.4 Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Athletic training increases the body’s need for
a) vitamins
b) minerals
c) hormones
d) calories and fluids

Before competing, an athlete should choose a meal
a) high in carbohydrates
b) that includes little, if any, fluids
c) high in protein
d) high in fat

Vegans must supplement their food choices with
a) saturated fats
b) cholesterol
c) vitamin B12
d) dairy products and eggs

Excess amounts of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K
a) are harmless to the body
b) improve the body’s organ functions
c) stay in the body and can reach toxic levels
d) are excreted through urine

Carbohydrate loading is not recommended for
a) cross-country runners
b) long-distance bicyclers
c) triathletes
d) teen athletes

Minerals that become electrically charged when in solution are:
a) carbohydrate loading
b) rehydration
c) megadoses
d) electrolytes

Storing extra glycogen in the muscle is:
a) rehydration
b) megadoses
c) carbohydrate loading
d) nutrient supplements

Pills, powders, liquids, and other nonfood forms of nutrients are:
a) nutrient supplements
b) megadoses
c) electrolytes
d) carbohydrate loading

Very large amounts of nutrient supplements is:
a) nutrient supplements
b) electrolytes
c) carbohydrate loading
d) megadoses

Restoring lost body fluids is called:
a) nutrient supplements
b) rehydration
c) electrolytes
d) megadoses

Milk that is treated by a process of heating to destroy or slow the growth of pathogens is contaminated.
a) True
b) False

If you have any doubts about whether a food is spoiled, you should taste it.
a) True
b) False

The inability to digest lactose in milk is an example of a food allergy.
a) True
b) False

Media reports about food safety should not be treated as established fact.
a) True
b) False

Foodborne illnesses related to food spoilage are often caused by bacteria.
a) True
b) False

A ___________________ is a substance that spoils or infects.
a) cross-contamination
b) food intolerance
c) food allergy
d) contaminant

Raw meat is considered ____________________ because it is liable to spoil if not refrigerated.
a) contaminant
b) perishable
c) food intolerance
d) cross-contamination

___________________ may occur if the juices from raw poultry come into contact with salad greens.
a) cross-contamination
b) contaminant
c) perishable
d) food intolerance

A negative reaction to a food that is not related to food poisoning or the body’s immune system is likely to be a _______________
a) perishable
b) contaminant
c) food intolerance
d) food allergy

With a ___________________, the body’s immune system reacts to certain substances in the food as if they were pathogens.
a) perishable
b) food intolerance
c) cross-contamination
d) food allergy

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