Teacher / Parent Help @ ReviewGameZone.com
Customer satisfaction is our first and highest priority. Please visit the links below to assist you. If you cannot find an answer to your question, please use the contact method below for further assistance.
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YouTube Video Help Library for Teachers
Several videos aimed at helping teachers navigate and use the teacher section of ReviewGameZone.com
Overview on how to Create Games
Step-by-step instructions on how to input the question data, type the answer choices and create games for interactive review for exams or quizzes.
How to Play Games on the Site
In order to play games students must first load a data set of questions into the game program. Link details the 4 ways to do that and how to get to the games.
Student Test Statistics Collection
Site allows the collection of statistical information on student performance during game play and this link details how to use that feature.
How to add Images, Hints and Explanations to the Games
This website is 100% free for both students and teachers to use, however, we do offer additional services for a small premium. Link details upgrade features for your class!
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