BusIM Unit 2, Lesson 3, Part 1 Question Preview (ID: 8768)
MS Excel.
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Name one common report that businesses prepare on a regular basis.
a) Assets
b) Proit-and-Loss
c) Brokers
d) Value
They help people save money for retirement, children's college education and other financial needs.
a) Service planners
b) Income planners
c) Financial planners
d) Insurance planners
What does a balance sheet measure as of a certain date, usually the date that the report is prepared.
a) Value
b) Balance
c) Financial
d) Net
These built-in business features in MS Excel can be used to create a new workbook.
a) assets
b) income
c) templates
d) totals
These people help others when they want to buy and sell stocks and bonds.
a) equity
b) Insurance
c) services
d) brokers
In a balance sheet, these must equal the sum of liabilities and owner's net worth.
a) assets
b) expenses
c) equity
d) income
This handle is used to copy a value or formula into adjacent cells
a) hidden
b) bar
c) fill
d) autofilter
The type of cell reference which automatically adjusts when you copy it is called a
a) dollar reference
b) absolute reference
c) fill reference
d) relative reference
This is a predefined formula in Excel that performs a specific, built-in operation.
a) function
b) argument
c) syntax
d) autofilter
This refers to the structure of functions.
a) absolute
b) argument
c) syntax
d) template
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