Circulation Question Preview (ID: 8655)
This Questions Review Heart, Blood, And Blood Vessels.
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What is the blood type of a person whose plasma contains only anti-B clumping proteins?
a) type A
b) type B
c) type AB
d) type O
Atherosclerosis is a condition in which
a) veins experience a buildup of fatty material
b) muscles in capillary walls lose their ability to contract
c) capillaries widen and release too much fluid
d) artery walls thicken as the results of a buildup of fatty material
What eventually happens to fluid that leaks from capillaries into the surrounding tissues?
a) it undergoes chemical reactions and becomes fatty tissue
b) it replaces dead body cells
c) it returns to the blood through the lymphatic system
d) it replaces dead red blood cells
What is the function of lymph nodes?
a) to trap disease-causing bacteria
b) to make new lymph
c) to transfer oxygen
d) to return lymph to the bloodstream
Exercise is important for cardiovascular health because it
a) increases blood pressur
b) strengthens heart muscle
c) slows the heart beat
d) reduces sodium in the blood
Lymph nodes may __________ when they are helping the body fight an infection.
a) decrease
b) enlarge
c) disappear
d) get flat
The cardiovascluar system consist of
a) heart and blood
b) heart and lymph
c) heart, blood, and blood vessels
d) only the heart
Blood flows from the heart to the body through
a) arteries
b) veins
c) capillaries
d) aorta
As blood moves away from the heart, blood pressure
a) decreases
b) stays the same
c) increases
The risk of a heart attack is ___________ for people who smoke.
a) lower
b) higher
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