Wave Behavior Question Preview (ID: 8651)
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Which term best describes the movement of waves and how they interact with one another?
a) wave shape
b) wave velocity
c) wave behavior
d) wave chemisty
Which of the following describes what takes place when waves run into each other and become larger?
a) wave division
b) destructive interference
c) constructive interference
d) multiplication interference
Which term defines the process of a wave bouncing off of a surface?
a) reflection
b) refraction
c) destructive interference
d) constructive interference
Which term defines the process of a wave bending as it enters a new medium?
a) reflection
b) refraction
c) destructive bending
d) constructive bending
What occurs when a wave causes vibration in a nearby object that matches the frequency of the wave?
a) reflection
b) refraction
c) resonance
d) polarization
Which of the following describes the effect of a convex mirror on light rays?
a) It reflects light rays inward.
b) It reflects light rays outward
c) It has no effect on light rays
d) It has the same effect on light rays as on a concave mirror
Which of the following describes the effect of a concave mirror on light rays?
a) It reflects light rays inward.
b) It reflects light rays outward.
c) It has no effect on light rays.
d) It has the same effect on light rays as a convex mirror.
Which term best describes the change in frequency of waves when there is motion between the source of the waves and the observer?
a) The Doppler effect
b) The avagardro effect
c) The motor wave effect
d) The wave frequency effect
A wave being compressed will most likely experience which of the following?
a) a longer wavelength and a lower frequency
b) a shorter wavelength and a lower frequency
c) a longer wavelength and a higher frequency
d) a shorter wavelength and a higher frequency
If the frequency of a wave double, which of the following could be true?
a) The pitch gets lower
b) The pitch gets higher
c) The pitch does not change
d) the pitch becomes negative
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