6th Exam Review 3 Question Preview (ID: 8170)
Review 3 Of 3.
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What are the words or designs that move around the screen to help the monitor so that it doesn’t get embedded images?
a) Screen Saver
b) Slide Show
c) Graphics
d) 3D Text
What Microsoft Application program do you use for word processing?
a) Word
b) Excel
c) PowerPoint
d) Access
What is a two-headed arrow used to do?
a) Move an object
b) Resize an object
c) Delete an object
d) Copy an object
In Microsoft Word, when looking for another word that means the same thing, you could use the ____________ feature.
a) Dictionary
b) Reference
c) Thesaurus
d) Spelling & Grammar
When you enter the classroom, you press CTRL + Alt + Del and you have to type in your Student ID# and Password. What is this process called?
a) Logging Out
b) Logging In
c) Task Manager
d) Editing
What is a four-headed arrow used to do?
a) Cut an object
b) Copy an object
c) Paste an object
d) Move an object
What is the term that describes settings that are automatically on the computer?
a) Desktop
b) Programs
c) Operating System
d) Default
In Microsoft Word, what does it mean when you see a red squiggly line under a word?
a) Spelling Error
b) Grammar Error
c) Font Error
d) Title Error
In Microsoft Office, pressing “CTRL + C” and then pressing “CTRL + V” will perform what actions?
a) Cut and Copy
b) Copy and Delete
c) Copy and Paste
d) Copy and View
When working on a computer project, it is highly recommended to ____________ every fifteen minutes.
a) Print you work
b) Save you work
c) Upload your work
d) Rename your work
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