Populations Question Preview (ID: 800)

After A Study Of Populations In A Biology Class, These Are The Terms You Should Know! TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

When the birthrate equals the deathrate, the population
a) reaches zero growth
b) gradually decreases
c) gradually increases
d) becomes unstable

Each of the following is a density-dependent limiting factor except
a) parasitism
b) predation
c) weather
d) crowding

After rabbits were introduced into Australia, the rabbit population went into exponential growth because rabbits had no natural
a) predators
b) prey
c) symbionts
d) parasites

A frost that kills insects that feed on a plant is
a) dependent on population density
b) not a limiting factor
c) a behavioral factor
d) independent of population density

A symbiotic relationship between barnacles and whales is an example of
a) mutualism
b) predation
c) commensalism
d) parasitism

An example of a population is
a) Ursus americanus in Pennsylvania
b) all the fish in Lake Erie
c) the number of different species of Felis in a geographic area
d) the number of maples, white oaks, spruce, gray squirrels, and owls in the forest

When a species has reached a steady state, it has reached a particular environment's
a) logistic capacity
b) carrying capacity
c) exponential capacity
d) ecological capacity

In a logistic curve, the initial growth
a) is very rapid
b) is very slow
c) is exponential
d) slows steadily

In most natural situations, predator-prey relationships
a) are out of balance
b) cannot coexist
c) destroy one another
d) coexist for a long time

In a logistic growth curve, exponential growth is the phase in which the population
a) reaches carrying capacity
b) grows quickly and few animals are dying
c) growth begins to slow down
d) growth stops

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