Plate Tectonics Question Preview (ID: 774)

Plate Tectonics. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

When two plates move toward each other they are said to be -
a) divergent
b) convergent
c) tranform fault
d) strike slip

Sea Floor spreading occurs at -
a) subduction zones
b) transform faults
c) Terrane boundaries
d) divergent boundaries

The region along a plate boundary where one plate is forced under another plate is -
a) rift valley
b) paleomagnetic bands
c) subduction zones
d) transform fault

As rock moves away from a mid ocean ridge, it is replaced by -
a) continental crust
b) suspect terrane
c) molten rock
d) older rock

What cuases plates to move?
a) magnetic field around the earth.
b) the moons pull on the earth
c) convection currents
d) None of the above

Wegener hypothesized that continents where once a large land mass called -
a) Pangaea
b) Eurasia
c) Eurasia Melanasia land mass
d) None of the above

Which of the following formed the Himalayan Mountain Range?
a) convergetn boundary
b) rift valley
c) transform fault boundary
d) divergent boundary

When the oceanic crust is forced into the mantle at a subduction zone what can be found on the surface other than a trench?
a) Mountains like the Himalayas
b) volcanoes
c) sea floor spreading
d) rift valleys

A fault formed at the point where two plates grind past each other is called a -
a) reverse fault
b) transform fault
c) strike slip fault
d) subduction zone

What is the name of the plate boundary that split Pangaea in half?
a) San Andres Fault
b) Mid Atlantic ridge
c) Pacific plate boundary
d) Ring of fire

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