Operant Psychology Question Preview (ID: 7734)

Exploring The Field Of Operant Conditioning. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which is a primary reinforcer?
a) coupons
b) toys
c) games
d) candy

Which is a secondary reinforcer?
a) candy
b) toys
c) soda
d) pizza

Which choice is negative punishment?
a) less homework
b) spanking
c) candy
d) timeout

Which choice is positive punishment?
a) less homework
b) spanking
c) candy
d) timeout

Which choice is positive reinforcement?
a) less homework
b) spanking
c) candy
d) timeout

Which choice is negative reinfrocement?
a) less homework
b) candy
c) spanking
d) timeout

How many steps are there in Operant Conditioning?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 6
d) 4

What comes first in the steps to Oparent Conditioning?
a) Target Behavior
b) Reinforcer
c) Preparation
d) Shaping

Which is the last step in Operant Conditioning?
a) Preparation
b) Shaping
c) Target behavior
d) Reinforcer

Who is the founder of Operant Psychology?
a) B.F. Skinner
b) George Washington
c) Sigmund Freud
d) Benjamin Bloom

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