Personal Finanace 1.02 Game 1 Question Preview (ID: 6989)

Personal Finanace 1.02 Game 1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Sabrina saw a scrapbooking kit on a TV shopping network and decided immediately to call in an order. Which type of factor MOST LIKELY influenced Sabrina's decision?
a) cultural
b) economic
c) legal
d) media

Since his Bar Mitvah, Ben wears a skull cap at both synagogue and high school. Which type of factor MOST LIKELY influenced Ben's decision?
a) cultural
b) media
c) social
d) technology

Ted earns $250 a week from his part-time job. His goal is to save $150 each month to go on a vacation. Which phrase BEST describes this goal?
a) Attainable, but not measurable
b) Measureable and time-bound
c) Measurable, but not time-bound
d) Specific, but not measurable

Mrs. Dunn always goes to the cleaners around the corner from her job. This illustrates a decision made:
a) by following logical steps
b) from habit
c) on impulse.
d) with options in mind

Since she did not approve of slaughtering animals for their fur, Hilton decided not to purchase a coat with a natural fur collar. Which type of factor MOST LIKELY influenced Hilton
a) economic
b) legal
c) moral
d) technology

Mark's car won't start. He checked an online manual, looked at his bank balance, and asked a mechanic, if he could teach him to make needed repairs, What step in decision-making:
a) Identify the decision to be made
b) Identify resources and gather information
c) Identify the options
d) Identify the pros and cons of each option

Mary's goal is to put aside money for Christmas presents from May until December. Which phrase BEST describes this goal?
a) Attainable and measurable
b) Realistic, but not time-bound
c) Time-bound, but not realistic
d) Time-bound, but not measurable

Which is the BEST example of standards influencing financial decisions? The Darden family decided to spend their tax refund to:
a) keep up with their neighbors by buying a new big-screen television.
b) make a large donation to a favorite charity that was very important to them
c) repair their leaky roof
d) make a large donation to a favorite charity that was very important to them

Matt's goal is to save his pocket money to buy a used CD player from his cousin who has just bought a new player. Which phrase BEST describes this goal?
a) Measurable and time-bound
b) Measurable, but not time-bound
c) Not measurable and not time-bound
d) Time-bound, but not measurable

Which is the BEST example of a family value of helping others influencing financial decisions? The Sigmon family decided to spend their emergency savings on:
a) a new stove for the soup kitchen where they volunteer.
b) surround sound for their new media room like their neighbors have.
c) paying the mortgage while Mr. Sigmon is laid off.
d) taking a cruise with Mrs. Sigmon's sister's family.

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