Unit 2 Review (I) Question Preview (ID: 6890)

Unit 2 Review (I) (Geography Of SW Asia). TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How has water pollution affected SW Asia?
a) It has increased the amount of water available for drinking and irrigation.
b) It has decreased the amount of water available for drinking and irrigation.
c) It has had no effect on the amount of water available for drinking and irrigation.
d) It has led to peace between all nations in the region.

The major rivers in SW Asia have become political issues because:
a) Deserts prevent the rivers from being large enough to be useful.
b) They can be used only for trade and travel but not for drinking water.
c) Farmers have not been able to find easy ways to use water for irrigation.
d) Everyone needs to be able to use the water, and there is only a limited amount.

Most people in the Middle East:
a) use less water per person than in other regions
b) use more water per person than in other regions
c) practice Christianity
d) have high amounts of water to use

The oldest major monotheistic religion of the Middle East is:
a) Judaism
b) Christianity
c) Islam
d) Buddhism

Mecca is a holy city in the religion of:
a) Islam
b) Christianity
c) Judaism
d) Hinduism

Which three major religions have their origins in the Middle East?
a) Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism
b) Judaism, Christianity, Islam
c) Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism
d) Buddhism, Shintoism, Hinduism

What do Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have in common?
a) All followers believe in many gods.
b) The religions are only practiced in SW Asia.
c) The people who practice these religions control all of the world’s oil.
d) All followers believe in monotheism (one god).

Shia and Sunni Islam were both founded because of:
a) disputes over who the spiritual leaders should be
b) invasions by European crusaders trying to retake the Holy Land
c) the quest to control trade routes between Arabia and China
d) the failure to win wars against Hindu armies from the East

Most Arabs, Persians, and Kurds practice:
a) Islam
b) Hinduism
c) Judaism
d) Christianity

The building of a dam by Turkey on the Euphrates River to protect and ensure its water supply has had what effect on the neighboring country of Iraq?
a) It led to an increase in oil exporting.
b) It decreased available shipping routes from the Persian Gulf.
c) It decreased the amount of travel on the respective waterways.
d) It led to the unequal distribution of water.

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