GA1 - Electronic Page Composition And Image Assembly Question Preview (ID: 6867)

After Completing This Section, The Student Should Be Able To Identify Page Composition Programs, Tools, And Terms. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

___________ is a feature that can be set up to include the page geometry, typography, and other elements of a page that will recur in a document.
a) Font Report
b) Library
c) Master Page
d) Style Sheets

_____________ is a list of typefaces used in a document, including fonts within imported eps graphics.
a) Font Report
b) Library
c) Master Page
d) Style Sheets

A(n)_____________ is the first line of a paragraph at the bottom of a column of type.
a) format
b) guide
c) orphan
d) widow

_____________ is a light blue line that is not output to a printer, but assists in the placement of type or graphic elements during page composition.
a) format
b) master page
c) ruler guide
d) style sheet

_____________ is the last line of a paragraph at the top of a column of type.
a) format
b) guide
c) orphan
d) widow

________ is used for text and graphics. It creates a flow from the original.
a) library
b) link
c) picture box
d) text box

_____________ allows the importation and placement of various page elements within a document such as a newsletter, a magazine, or an advertisement.
a) image manipulation software
b) page composition software
c) photo editing software
d) word processing software

_____________ are a formatting tool that combines a number of attributes, such as type size, alignments, and other factors.
a) formats
b) master pages
c) ruler guides
d) style sheets

______________is a set of reference resources. It can be used throughout a publication to store items that might be used over and over again. It is a great tool for efficiency.
a) library
b) font report
c) master page
d) style sheet

_______ is a list of the typefaces used for a given document.
a) font report
b) font set
c) format
d) master page

_____________ is a closed figure of any shape used to position text.
a) picture box
b) ruler
c) ruler guide
d) text box

_____________ is a closed figure of any shape used to position a graphic element.
a) picture box
b) ruler
c) ruler guide
d) text box

_____________ are a structure (usually two-dimensional) made up of a series of intersecting straight (vertical, horizontal, and angular) or curved guide lines used to structure content.
a) grids
b) master sheets
c) style sheets
d) templates

_____________ are predesigned forms that provide the basic structure for a particular kind of document.
a) grids
b) master sheets
c) style sheets
d) templates

_____________ it  is used to correctly position the images on the plate, electronically, so it can be correctly sent to the imagesetter or platesetter.
a) font utility software
b) imposition software
c) page composition software
d) word processing software

_____________ is a representation of a conventional ruler showing increments of linear measurement. Can run across the top and left side of the document.
a) grids
b) rulers
c) ruler guides
d) linking

_____________ it is useful in managing, collecting, and transferring fonts.
a) font utility software
b) imposition software
c) library
d) linking

_____________ is one or more sentences describing a photograph.
a) up style
b) cut line
c) jump line
d) masthead

Calculate yearly cost of software that is leased for $263.00 per month.
a) $2832
b) $2382
c) $3156
d) $3516

Calculate total number of blank pages in 300 page book if 84 percent are printed.
a) 48
b) 84
c) 144
d) 252

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