Apostrophes And Posessive Nouns Question Preview (ID: 6757)
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Which of the following sentances is correct?
a) The do'gs bowl is full.
b) The dogs bowl is full.
c) The dogs 'bowl is full.
d) The dog's bowl is full.
Which of the following sentances is correct?
a) Mrs. McGlaughlin's seventh period class is her favorite.
b) Mrs. McGlaughlins seventh period class' is her favorite.
c) Mrs. Mcglaughlins seventh period class is her favorite.
d) Mrs. McGlaughlins' seventh period class is her favorite.
Which of the following sentances uses an apostrophe, but not a possesive noun?
a) Dan's hard work payed off.
b) Lauren O'Malley is nice.
c) The soccer player's goal won the game.
d) My friend's fish is named Wally.
Which of the following is correct?
a) Michelle's sister runs fast.
b) Michelles sister' runs fast.
c) Michelles's sister runs fast.
d) Michellessisterrunsfast'.
Which of the following is punctuated correctly?
a) Audreies plans for the summer are great.
b) Audreys's plans's for the summer are great.
c) Audrey's plans for the summer are great.
d) Audreys plans for the summer are great.
The apostrophes in peoples names like O'Malley are not posessive.
a) True
b) False
c) .
d) .
Which of the following sentances is puntuated correctly?
a) The crabs claws are sharp.
b) The crabs claw's are sharp.
c) The' crabs' claws' are' sharp'.
d) The crab's claws are sharp.
Which of the following sentances is correct?
a) Ryans dog is cute.
b) Ryan's dog is cute.
c) Ryans' dog is cute.
d) Ryans's dog is cute.
Which of the following is correctly puntuated?
a) Everyones' skills' improved.
b) Everyones skills improved.
c) Everyones' skills improved.
d) Everyone's skills improved.
Which of the following is correctly puntuated?
a) Johns's favorite animal is a hippo.
b) Johns 'favorite animal is a hippo.
c) John's favorite animal is a hippo.
d) Johnsfavoriteanimalisahippo.
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