ESRT Review 2 Question Preview (ID: 6682)
Using Your ESRT (Earth Science Reference Tables) Complete The Questions In The Game.
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What tectonic plate is New York part of?
a) North American
b) Eurasian
c) African
d) Pacific
If stream velocity decreases from 200 cm/s to 100 cm/s, which sediment type would fall out first?
a) Boulder
b) Sand
c) Silt
d) Clay
Compact and cementation forms what type of rock
a) sedimentary
b) metamorphic
c) igneous
d) none of the choices
Which of the following minerals are NOT found in granite?
a) Olivine
b) Quartz
c) Biotite
d) Amphibole
Mafic igneous rocks usually have
a) a high density
b) a low density
c) a light color
d) minerals rich in Si
What process must a rock undergo to become a metamorphic rock?
a) heat and pressure
b) compaction and cementation
c) weathering and erosion
d) deposition and burial
What are the two major divisions of sedimentary rocks?
a) inorganic land derived and chemically formed
b) foliated and non-foliated
c) mafic and felsic
d) none of the choices
What is the composition of rock salt?
a) halite
b) gypsum
c) dolomite
d) carbon
Which is the parent rock of slate?
a) shale
b) coal
c) sandstone
d) limestone
Which era did Pangaea break up?
a) Mesozoic
b) Cenozoic
c) Paleozoic
d) Proterozoic
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