Digestion Question Preview (ID: 6531)
Review For Your Body Systems Test!
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Tiny hair like projections that increase the surface area of your small intestine are called what?
a) Villi
b) Enzymes
c) Gall Stones
d) Proteases
Water re-absorbtion occurs in which organ?
a) Stomach
b) Small Intestine
c) Large Intestine
d) Pancreas
Chemical digestion on carbohydrates begins by the secretion from what?
a) Tongue
b) Salivary Glands
c) Pharynx
d) Epiglottis
This flap of skin and cartilage closes off the trachae during swallowing
a) Epiglottis
b) Peristalsis
c) Esophagus
d) Pharynx
Particles of food are moved along the digestive tract due to what muscular movement?
a) Intracellular Digestion
b) Extracellular Digestion
c) Diffusion
d) Peristalsis
If a person is suffering from diarrhea it is because...
a) Their small intestine did absorb enough water
b) Their large intestine absorbed too much water.
c) Their large intestine did not absorb enough water
d) Their small intestine absorbed too much water.
All of these are nutrients except...
a) lipids
b) vitamins
c) proteins
d) carbohydrates
This breaks down fats:
a) Proteases
b) Essential amino acids
c) Chewing
d) Bile
Gallstones are usually made of:
a) Cholesterol or Calcium
b) Fats or Bile
c) Stones orSeaweed
d) Uric Acid or Plasma Proteins
The proper organization, from smallest to largest is:
a) Organelle --> Organism --> Tissue --> Organ System
b) Tissue --> Organ --> Organ System --> Organelle
c) Cell --> Tissue --> Organ --> Organ System --> Organism
d) Organism --> Tissue --> Organ --> Cell
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