Water Pollution Question Preview (ID: 6415)
Water Pollution Information.
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Which correctly lists the EFFECTS of water pollution?
a) messes up food webs, contaminate food
b) Helps fish to grow, messes up food webs, polllutes drinking water, contaminate food
c) Poisons fish, contaminate food
d) Poisons fish, messes up food webs, polllutes drinking water, contaminate food
Which water pollution source is RUN OFF?
a) chemicals that are drained from farms or yards to the water supply
b) Putting unwanted substances directly into the water
c) from barrels in factories that get old and rusty
d) urine, poop or anything else that is put down the drain
Which water pollution source is storage leaks?
a) chemicals that are drained from farms or yards to the water supply
b) Putting unwanted substances directly into the water
c) from barrels in factories that get old and rusty
d) urine, poop or anything else that is put down the drain
Which water pollution source is dumping?
a) chemicals that are drained from farms or yards to the water supply
b) Putting unwanted substances directly into the water
c) from barrels in factories that get old and rusty
d) urine, poop or anything else that is put down the drain
Which water pollution source is sewage?
a) chemicals that are drained from farms or yards to the water supply
b) Putting unwanted substances directly into the water
c) from barrels in factories that get old and rusty
d) urine, poop or anything else that is put down the drain
Identify one of these scenarios as a non-point source of pollution
a) exxon valdez oil spill
b) a factory pipline dumping out chemicals
c) A person throws trash over the side of a boat
d) Rain washes fertilizers from a community housing complex
Which defines agriculutre?
a) Farms
b) Growing crops
c) Growing crops or cattle
d) Mechanized Farms
A chemical used to help plants grow is called:
a) pesticide
b) Pollutant
c) hazardous
d) fertilizer
A chemical used to kill iinsects and animals that feed on plants are called
a) pesticide
b) Pollutant
c) hazardous
d) fertilizer
Which is the largest source of non-point pollution?
a) Oil Spills
b) Marine Dumping
c) Agriculture Run-off
d) Nuclear Storage Leaks
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