Unit 2 Economics - Day 4 - Inflation Question Preview (ID: 63468)

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What can mitigate inflation?
a) high interest rates
b) low interest rates
c) high demand
d) low supply

What can cause inflation?
a) high interest rates
b) low interest rates
c) high taxes
d) regulation

A rise in prices as a result of an increase in demand without an increase in supply.
a) taxes
b) subsidies
c) inflation
d) regulation

Low interest rates do not cause inflation increase if _____
a) supply increases
b) supply decreases
c) demand decreases
d) demand increases

How could college become more affordable?
a) Cancel financial aid (FAFSA)
b) increase financial aid (FAFSA)
c) The Fed lowers interest rates
d) create fewer colleges

Who is affected by inflation?
a) Firms
b) Households
c) All of the above
d) Government

Who initiates inflation?
a) Firms
b) The Federal Reserve
c) Households
d) The President

Which is NOT a factor in causing inflation?
a) High supply
b) More spending
c) Increased demand
d) Low interest rates

Which of the following does NOT increase price?
a) Low supply
b) High demand
c) None of the above
d) Low demand

How can The Federal Reserve lower demand?
a) Lower interest rates
b) Print more money
c) Raise interest rates
d) Lower taxes

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