HS. Matter And Energy In Organisms And Ecosystems HS-LS2-5 Question Preview (ID: 63358)

Key Vocabulary Words Along With Definitions Pulled Directly From The NGSS NYS Learning Standards For The Topic. Get Familiar With Wording Used In The Evaluation Process So You Stand A Better Chance Of Generating A Correct Answer Based Upon The Prompt. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A simplified representation or simulation used to explain complex systems, like the carbon cycle, and how carbon moves through different Earth systems.
a) Model
b) Human Impact
c) Chromosome
d) Predator-Prey

The continuous movement of carbon atoms through various Earth systems, including the biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere.
a) Cycling of carbon
b) Cellular Respiration
c) Enzyme
d) Nutrient Cycling

The regions of Earth where living organisms exist, including land, water, and air, where carbon is cycled through processes like photosynthesis and respiration.
a) Biosphere
b) Predator-Prey
c) Gene Expression
d) Cell Division

The layer of gases surrounding Earth, which contains carbon dioxide and other carbon compounds, playing a key role in the carbon cycle.
a) Atmosphere
b) Cell Division
c) DNA Replication
d) Photosynthesis

All the water on Earth, including oceans, rivers, and lakes, where carbon is dissolved and cycled through processes like respiration and decomposition.
a) Hydrosphere
b) Biotic Factors
c) RNA
d) Diffusion

The solid parts of Earth, including rocks, soil, and sediments, where carbon is stored in the form of fossil fuels and minerals, and cycled through processes like combustion and sedimentation.
a) Geosphere
b) Heredity
c) Chromosome
d) Gene Expression

The process by which plants and other organisms convert carbon dioxide and sunlight into oxygen and glucose, a key step in the carbon cycle.
a) Photosynthesis
b) Ecosystem Services
c) Photosynthesis
d) Biosphere

The process by which living organisms, including plants and animals, convert oxygen and glucose into energy, releasing carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere.
a) Respiration
b) Gene Expression
c) Biosphere
d) Adaptation

The breakdown of dead organisms by decomposers, which releases carbon stored in organic matter back into the soil, atmosphere, and water.
a) Decomposition
b) Genetic Variation
c) Adaptation
d) Abiotic Factors

The burning of fossil fuels or organic matter, which releases stored carbon into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, contributing to the carbon cycle.
a) Combustion
b) Chromosome
c) RNA
d) Abiotic Factors

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