HS. Interdependent Relationships In Ecosystems HS-LS2-7 Question Preview (ID: 63354)

Key Vocabulary Words Along With Definitions Pulled Directly From The NGSS NYS Learning Standards For The Topic. Get Familiar With Wording Used In The Evaluation Process So You Stand A Better Chance Of Generating A Correct Answer Based Upon The Prompt. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The process of creating a plan or solution to address a specific problem, such as reducing the impact of human activities on the environment.
a) Design
b) Homeostasis
c) Predator-Prey
d) Diffusion

To assess the effectiveness and feasibility of a proposed solution, considering factors like cost, efficiency, and impact.
a) Evaluate
b) Carrying Capacity
c) Biodiversity
d) Protein Synthesis

To improve a solution by making adjustments based on feedback, evaluation, or new information.
a) Refine
b) Predator-Prey
c) Natural Selection
d) ATP

A strategy or method developed to solve a problem, such as reducing the environmental impact of human activities.
a) Solution
b) Biosphere
c) RNA
d) ATP

Actions carried out by humans, such as urbanization, building dams, or spreading invasive species, which can have significant effects on the environment and biodiversity.
a) Human activities
b) Osmosis
c) Mitosis
d) Trophic Levels

The natural world, including ecosystems, air, water, and land, that can be affected by human activities.
a) Environment
b) Genetic Variation
c) Adaptation
d) Abiotic Factors

The variety of life in an ecosystem, including different species of plants, animals, and microorganisms, which can be impacted by human actions.
a) Biodiversity
b) Gene Expression
c) Osmosis
d) Cellular Respiration

The process of building and expanding cities, which can lead to habitat destruction, pollution, and loss of biodiversity.
a) Urbanization
b) Carrying Capacity
c) Genotype
d) Photosynthesis

Structures built to control water flow, which can alter ecosystems, disrupt habitats, and impact species migration.
a) Dams
b) Respiration
c) Enzyme
d) Heredity

Non-native organisms introduced to new environments, often causing harm to local ecosystems and reducing biodiversity.
a) Invasive species
b) Allele
c) Predator-Prey
d) Abiotic Factors

Virtual models or experiments used to predict the effects of different solutions on the environment, allowing for testing without real-world consequences.
a) Simulations
b) Genotype
c) Phenotype
d) ATP

The creation of new technologies or products designed to reduce environmental impact, such as eco-friendly materials or renewable energy sources.
a) Product development
b) Chromosome
c) Predator-Prey
d) Ecological Succession

New tools, devices, or processes developed to solve environmental problems, like reducing pollution or conserving resources.
a) Technological innovations
b) Meiosis
c) DNA Replication
d) Carbon Cycle

Laws and regulations enacted to protect the environment and biodiversity, such as restrictions on pollution, habitat protection, or species conservation.
a) Legislation
b) Human Impact
c) Phenotype
d) Chromatin

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