HS. Natural Selection And Evolution HS-LS4-2 Question Preview (ID: 63346)

Key Vocabulary Words Along With Definitions Pulled Directly From The NGSS NYS Learning Standards For The Topic. Get Familiar With Wording Used In The Evaluation Process So You Stand A Better Chance Of Generating A Correct Answer Based Upon The Prompt. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The process by which species change over time through genetic variation and natural selection, leading to adaptation and the development of new species.
a) Evolution
b) Mutation
c) Mutation
d) Abiotic Factors

A group of organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring, sharing common characteristics and genetic makeup.
a) Species
b) Chromatin
c) Biosphere
d) Abiotic Factors

Differences in DNA among individuals that can be passed from parents to offspring, influencing traits and potentially affecting survival.
a) Heritable genetic variation
b) Diffusion
c) Meiosis
d) Ecological Succession

A change in the DNA sequence of an organism, which can lead to new traits and contribute to genetic variation within a species.
a) Mutation
b) Mutation
c) Heredity
d) Protein Structure

A process where two parents contribute genetic material to produce offspring with a combination of traits from both, leading to genetic diversity.
a) Sexual reproduction
b) Nutrient Cycling
c) Abiotic Factors
d) DNA Replication

The struggle between organisms for limited resources, such as food, water, and shelter, which influences survival and reproduction.
a) Competition
b) Trophic Levels
c) Cellular Respiration
d) Natural Selection

Essential factors like food, water, and space that are in short supply, leading to competition among organisms.
a) Limited resources
b) Respiration
c) Predator-Prey
d) Mitosis

The rapid increase in the number of organisms, especially those with traits that give them a survival advantage in their environment.
a) Proliferation
b) Cellular Respiration
c) Heredity
d) Allele

The ability of an organism to continue living and reproducing in its environment, often influenced by its traits and competition.
a) Survive
b) Biotic Factors
c) Mutation
d) Population Dynamics

The physical form and structure of an organism, which can influence its survival and ability to compete for resources.
a) Morphology
b) ATP
c) Cell Membrane
d) Mitosis

The functions and processes of an organism's body, which determine how well it can survive and reproduce in its environment.
a) Physiology
b) Enzyme
c) Ecosystem
d) Biotic Factors

A trait that has evolved through natural selection, helping an organism survive and reproduce in its environment.
a) Adaptation
b) Chromosome
c) RNA
d) Carrying Capacity

Visual representations showing how traits or characteristics are spread out within a population, used to analyze trends and patterns.
a) Distribution graphs
b) Gene Expression
c) Allele
d) Meiosis

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