FPII Module 4 Review Question Preview (ID: 63199)

FPII Module 4 Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The part of economics concerned with large-scale or general economic factors, such as interest rates and national productivity
a) macroeconomics
b) nominal gnp
c) arbitrage
d) assurfinance

Merging of financial providers within the same institutional category (e.g., a retail/business bank merging with another retail/business bank, an insurance company merging with another insurance company, etc.)
a) convergence
b) consolidation
c) financial holding company
d) bancassurance

A company (often a banking company) that owns most or all of the shares of individually incorporated subsidiaries that engage in other types financial activities (e.g., insurance and securities); also permitted to own a controlling interest in compan
a) financial holding company
b) assurfinance
c) bancassurance
d) consolidation

The customs, habits, and traditions of a particular group of people
a) culture
b) globalization
c) offshoring
d) royalties

The process of selling goods and services to individuals, businesses, or governments in other countries
a) exporting
b) franchise
c) licensing
d) royalties

The basic roadways, utilities, and other services (police, fire, etc.) that create a foundation for a society
a) infrastructure
b) franchise
c) globalization
d) exporting

The rapid and unimpeded flow of capital, labor, and ideas across national borders; the integration of financial markets, especially capital markets
a) globalization
b) emerging markets
c) home bias
d) liberalization

A financial market in a country with a developing economy; usually receptive to foreign investment but also more volatile and riskier compared to financial markets in developed economies
a) emerging markets
b) home bias
c) gloablization
d) derivative

A private investment fund that uses aggressive financial instruments and higher-risk investment techniques to generate higher than average returns for investors
a) hedge fund
b) home bias
c) globalization
d) securitization

Financial markets that facilitate the free flow of capital across national borders and offer equal access to market participants, regardless of home country
a) integrated financial markets
b) emerging markets
c) home bias
d) hedge fund

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