De Viaje 1.5, Primera Parte Question Preview (ID: 63186)

De Viaje 1.5, Primera Parte, Spanish 1, SDMHS. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What does the abbreviation sr. stand for in the following: Perdón, sr.
a) sir, mister
b) senior, like senior citizen
c) senior, like what grade you're in
d) ma'am, mrs.

What is the best translation for PERDON?
a) Give me a pardon.
b) Excuse me.
c) Ain't she purdy?
d) That's my part.

How do you say DISPONIBLE in English?
a) unavailable
b) disposable
c) available
d) disappointed

Translate: this taxi
a) este taxi
b) está taxi
c) taxi este
d) esta taxi

Adónde means ___
a) adonis
b) when
c) why the stare
d) to where

Which of the following would you use with USTED?
a) va
b) vas
c) voy
d) vamos

What Spanish contraction means TO THE or AT THE?
a) AEL
b) AL
c) A'L
d) ALE

In CALLE SEGUNDA, which word is STREET?
a) both
b) neither
c) segunda
d) calle

What type of word is SEGUNDA?
a) It's an ordinal number.
b) It's a cardinal number.
c) It's an adjective.
d) It's a verb.

Translate: Cuánto me va a cobrar
a) When will you give me the covers?
b) How much are you going to charge me?
c) How many covers are you going to give me?
d) When will you charge me?

Choose the word or phrase that means RIGHT AWAY.
a) solo
b) nunca
c) en seguida
d) aduanaera

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