Week 15 Electromagnetism Question Preview (ID: 63184)

OHDELA Physics W15 Bonus Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a force produced by the motion of electric charges in a material
a) electricity
b) motor
c) solenoid
d) magnetism

a material that can create magnetic effects by itself and does not “lose” this ability to attract other magnetic materials.
a) electromagnet
b) permanent magnet
c) solenoid
d) generator

a magnet created by electric current flowing in wires.
a) permanent magnet
b) electricity
c) electromagnet
d) solenoid

created by static (not-moving) charged objects
a) electric fields
b) magnetic fields
c) electricity
d) gravitational fields

______ are created by moving charges
a) Electric fields
b) Electricity
c) Gravitational fields
d) Magnetic fields

An election ___ creates dipoles.
a) charging
b) spinning
c) bouncing
d) dividing

North poles and south poles are attracted to each other so in most materials electrons ____.
a) repel
b) multiply
c) pair
d) divide

Ferromagnetic materials are special types of metals where electrons spin the ____ direction called domains.
a) same
b) opposite
c) different
d) perpendicular

A compass is a _____ that is free to rotate when interacting with a magnetic field.
a) motor
b) solenoid
c) circle
d) magnet

Magnetic fields are created when you have a ____ charge like a bunch of similar spinning electrons in a permanent magnet
a) still
b) moving
c) dormant
d) isolated

When a north pole of a magnet is next to another north pole you will see a ____ in the field lines.
a) attraction
b) flux
c) repulsion
d) fusion

Current coming toward you would use the right hand rule thumbs up! The fingers have to curl counterclockwise. That is the direction of the ____ field that is produced.
a) magnetic
b) electric
c) static
d) gravitational

The magnetic field around a single ordinary wire carrying a ___ amount of current is too small to be of much use.
a) huge
b) amplified
c) dangerous
d) safe

When a wire is made into a coil, the total magnetic field is the ____ of the fields created by the current in each individual loop.
a) multiplication
b) sum
c) division
d) square root

A coil of wire with current going through it is called a ____.
a) electromagnet
b) electric motor
c) solenoid
d) electric generator

When we add an iron core, a solenoid becomes an ____.
a) electromagnet
b) electric field
c) electric motor
d) electric generator

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