Natural Resources - Unit 8 Question Preview (ID: 63096)

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Which of the following is a nonrenewable resource?
a) Water
b) Sunlight
c) Coal
d) Wind

Which of the following is a renewable resource
a) Diamonds
b) Oil
c) Coal
d) Water

When energy is generated from the burning of wood or other organic matter, we call it...?
a) Solar Energy
b) Geothermal Energy
c) Biomass Energy
d) Nuclear Energy

Using the heat from Earth to generate energy and electricity is called...?
a) Hydroelectric Energy
b) Geothermal Energy
c) Biomass Energy
d) Nuclear Energy

Trees, crops, garbage, and landfill gas are all examples of?
a) Biomass
b) Nuclear Waste
c) Heat
d) Energy

Solar Energy is energy from the .....?
a) Earth
b) Sun
c) Moon
d) Wind

Why is solar energy considered renewable energy?
a) It's cheaper than fossil fuels
b) The sun's energy would not run out for billions of years
c) Solar energy recharges batteries
d) All of the above

Which is a natural resource?
a) Glass
b) Leather
c) Plants
d) Paper

Which of these methods uses the least amount of fossil fuels?
a) Taking public transportation
b) Driving a motorcycle
c) Riding a bike
d) Driving a pick-up truck

How do fossil fuels effect the environment
a) Expensive
b) Causes air pollution when burned
c) Erodes the soil
d) Leaves fossils at the Earth's surface

Which of the following determines whether a resource is a renewable resource or a nonrenewable resource?
a) The cost for obtaining and using a resource
b) The effect of the resource on the environment
c) The rate at which the resource can be replaced
d) Whether the resource is used to generate energy or make products

What are the 3 main fossil fuels
a) Coal, Oil, Gasoline
b) Electricity, Gasoline, Petroleum
c) Coil, Oil, Natural Gas
d) Coil, Oil, Non-Renewable resource

Which group includes ALL nonrenewable resources?
a) Coal, trees, water, and sun
b) Carbon, sun, water, oil
c) Oil. coal, natural gas
d) Water, wind, sun

What are two advantages of geothermal energy?
a) cheap and a little pollution
b) Cheap and a lot of pollution
c) Expensive and a lot of pollution
d) Expensive and a little pollution

What is a way we can protect natural resources?
a) Pollute
b) Recycle
c) Litter
d) Contaminate

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