Theme Of Literary Texts Question Preview (ID: 63088)

Fables, Stories And Poems. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following best describes the main theme or lesson of the story?

a) Sometimes people need help to see things about themselves.
b) Family is precious, and should be treasured.
c) People shouldn't be afraid to ask for help when they have a problem.
d) Treat others how you want to be treated.

Select the quotation from Visual Aid that most strongly suggests that the theme is Sometimes people need help to see things about themselves.

a) I am? Elliott said. He hadn't felt himself squinting.
b) When his lenses were ready, he tried them on. He was amazed.
c) Later that night Elliott was reading on the couch when his dad got up and stretched.
d) He had been reading for hours and hadn't stopped once to rub his eyes.

Which of the following best describes the main theme or lesson of the story?

a) Team work makes the dream work
b) Friendship is a treasure and should be cherished.
c) Practice takes time but pays off
d) Talent is something people are just born with.

Select the quotation from the story: Two Guitars that most strongly suggests that the theme is Practice takes time but pays off.

a) One day, Martin played a perfect rendition of Ribbon Road for Jerry.
b) Because we're not good, said Martin with a snort.
c) Jerry looked down at his guitar, singing the notes to himself.
d) The next week, Jerry said he was quitting guitar lessons.

What is the main theme or lesson of the fable?

a) People shouldn't go to war to settle their differences.
b) People who aren't true to their friends will end up with none.
c) Working hard is tiresome, but will pay off.
d) War will always happen no matter what.

What is the main theme or lesson of the folktale?

a) It takes courage to travel far from home.
b) Getting somewhere new is worth a long, hard journey.
c) we don't always see things as they really are.
d) Friends are priceless.

What is the main theme or lesson of the myth?

a) Only people who work hard can succeed.
b) People who trick others will be punished.
c) Some tasks take lots of patience.
d) Forgiveness is needed in life to make it through.

What is the main theme or lesson of the folktale?

a) Share what you have with others.
b) Greediness gets you nowhere.
c) It's better to be poor and happy, than rich and sad.
d) Money isn't useful if you don't do anything with it.

Which of the following best describes the main theme or lesson of the story?

a) Some problems are worth trying to fix.
b) Even an ordinary person can change the world.
c) Don't believe everything you see on TV.
d) A well -meaning idea can be taken too far.

Which of the following best describes the main theme or lesson of the story?

a) Complaining may feel good, but it doesn't actually change anything.
b) Good things often happen to those who don't deserve them.
c) If something doesn't go our way, we deserve to know why.
d) People are often tempted to blame their mistakes on others.

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