Westward Expansion 3 Question Preview (ID: 63087)

Abolition And Suffrage. Reform Movement. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Suffrage means...
a) the right to vote
b) losing the right to vote
c) practicing how to vote
d) giving up the right to vote.

William Lloyd Garrison created an anti-slavery newspaper called
a) The Liberator
b) The Librarian
c) The Boston Globe
d) Freedom

Frederick Douglass escaped on a train disguised as a -
a) Sailor
b) Policeman
c) Woman
d) Teacher

The North Star was a newspaper started by-
a) Frederick Douglass
b) Dwayne Johnson
c) Cady Stanton
d) Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman helped lead more than ___?____ slaves to freedom.
a) 300
b) 200
c) 500
d) 10

Harriet Tubman's nickname was ____?_____ because she led slaves to freedom.
a) Moses
b) Jesus
c) The Rock
d) Old Faithful

Abolition is...
a) The belief in anti-slavery.
b) The belief in slavery.
c) The belief that the US had the right to slaves.
d) The belief that the US had the right to head to the Pacific Ocean.

Susan B Anthony campaigned for all of the following for women EXCEPT-
a) The right to bear arms
b) the right to vote
c) the right to equal pay
d) the right to education

Who organized the first woman's rights convention?
a) Elizabeth Cady Stanton
b) Frederick Douglass
c) William Lloyd Garrison
d) Susan B Anthony

Susan B Anthony had her face put on -
a) a quarter
b) Mount Rushmore
c) A penny
d) The Washington Monument

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