Test 6: Infection: Simulation And Modeling Question Preview (ID: 63073)

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Why do scientists use computer models and simulations to understand the spread of communicable diseases?
a) Computer models are helpful because they do not infect real people. They can also simulate many parameters to see the impact
b) Computer models are helpful because they allow humans to do less work and just use a computer.
c) Computer models are helpful because scientists can infect real people.
d) Computer models are not helpful at all.

Scientists that were studying covid ran a computer simulation to see what different precautions people can take to help stop the spread of disease. The three things they decided to test were washing hands, cleaning commonly used surfaces, and coughin
a) The parameters in the simulation are staying home, doing nothing, and coughing/sneezing in your elbow.
b) The parameters in the simulation are cleaning common surfaces, staying home, and wearing a mask.
c) The parameters in the simulation are washing hands, cleaning commonly used surfaces, and coughing/sneezing in your arm.
d) The parameters in the simulation are washing hands, wearing gloves, and wearing a mask.

What is a variable?
a) A variable is something that changes.
b) A variable is nothing.
c) A variable is when you look in the sky.
d) A variable is when you find the average of a data set.

What does it mean to find the mean?
a) The mean is something that changes.
b) The mean is when you find the average of a data set.
c) The mean is the parameter.
d) The mean is a simulation.

Find the mean of the following data: 4, 6, 7, 3
a) The mean of the data set is 6.
b) The mean of the data is 5.
c) The mean of the data set is 4.
d) The mean of the data set is

Find the mean of the following data: 20, 20, 20, 20, 20
a) The mean of the data set is 20.
b) The mean of the data set is 4.
c) The mean of the data set is 100.
d) The mean of the data set is 5.

Which of the following is an example of a communicable disease?
a) Asthma
b) Cancer
c) COVID-19
d) Diabetes

Find the mean of the following data: 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
a) The mean of the data set is 8.
b) The mean of the data set is 2.
c) The mean of the data set is 16.
d) The mean of the data set is 100.

Which of the following is an example of a noncommunicable disease?
a) Asthma
b) Flu
c) COVID-19
d) Pink eye

True or false: We coded on scratch.
a) True
b) False
c) IDK
d) IDK

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