Animal And Plant Cells Question Preview (ID: 63026)

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Outer layer of a plant cell.
a) cell wall
b) cell membrane
c) cytoplasm
d) chloroplast

Plant cell vacuole is much ____________ than the animal cell vacuole.
a) smaller
b) bigger
c) equal
d) same

Plant cells have ____ vacuole and animal cells have ____.
a) two, one
b) two, many
c) one, many
d) one, one

Two structures plants cells have that animal cells do not.
a) chloroplasts, cell membrane
b) chloroplast, cell wall
c) cell wall, cell membrane
d) cell wall, nucleus

Gives plants its green color.
a) nucleus
b) organelles
c) chloroplasts
d) cytoplasm

Uses the energy from the sunlight and works to combine water and CO2 to produce sugar for the plant.
a) chlorophyll
b) chloroplast
c) cell wall
d) cell membrane

Gives the cell its shape and structure.
a) nucleus
b) cell membrane
c) cell wall
d) cytoplasm

Surround the plant cell and protects all inside the cell.
a) cell membrane
b) cytoplasm
c) cell wall
d) cell divider

The control center known as the of the cell.
a) vacuole
b) nucleus
c) cell wall
d) chloroplast

Both animal and plant cells have a ___________.
a) nucleus
b) chloroplast
c) cell wall
d) chlorophyll

Plant cells are ___________ and animal cells are _________ in shape.
a) round, round
b) round, rectangular
c) rectangular, rectangular
d) rectangular, round

Plants and Animals are made up of millions and millions of tiny parts called ____________.
a) cell walls
b) organelles
c) cells
d) chloroplasts

Store food and water
a) cells
b) cell wall
c) vacuoles
d) cytoplasm

Jelly-like substance that fills the cell
a) cell wall
b) cell membrane
c) chloroplast
d) cytoplasm

Decides what enters and exits the cell.
a) cell wall
b) cell membrane
c) cytoplasm
d) chloroplast

All structures of a cell.
a) cell
b) tissue
c) organelles
d) organs

Stops some materials from coming inside the cell and injuring it.
a) cell membrane
b) cell wall
c) cell
d) tissue

Much of the cell's work takes place here.
a) cell wall
b) cell membrane
c) cytoplasm
d) chloroplast

Vacuoles are known as the ____________ of the cell
a) brain
b) nervous
c) kidney
d) stomach

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