Ecology Human Impact Review Question Preview (ID: 63023)

Ecology Human Impact Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

First to Answer! What is the title of our new Unit?
a) Astronomy
b) Matter
c) Ecology
d) Evolution

First to Answer! What are the two words that are on the bulletin board in the back of the room?
a) Science be...
b) Science is...
c) Science like...
d) Science says...

In which ways are humans negatively impacting ecosystems?
a) introducing invasive species, overharvesting, pollution
b) protecting endangered species, overharvesting, pollution
c) bringing invasive species, sustainable fisheries, pollution
d) protection of endangered species, overharvesting, pollution

How much land is destroyed daily by deforestation for cattle grazing and for lumber?
a) 80 hectares
b) 800 hectares
c) 8000 hectares
d) 80,000 hectares

What impact does rainforest deforestation have, beyond the loss of trees?
a) potential flooding and erosion
b) loss of biodiversity, can lead to desertification
c) lower water quality
d) ALL of these are cascade effects of deforestation

What is biodiversity?
a) Refers to the diverse ways in which humans study ecology
b) Refers to the number of species in a particular area
c) Refers to the many ways that plants can be pollinated
d) Refers to many species in zoos

What's the value per year of what the Ecosystem gives in Ecosystem services like water filtration, carbon fixation, food
a) 46,000 dollars
b) 46 million dollars
c) 46 trillion dollars
d) 460,000 dollars

The Ecosystem benefits human life with
a) Water filtration
b) Carbon fixation (getting carbon dioxide out of the air)
c) Food production
d) ALL of these

Human impact is theĀ cause for the extinction of how many species of plants and animalsĀ in the past 100 yrs?
a) almost 10
b) almost 100
c) almost 500
d) almost 1000

Who has earned the most stamps in Mr. McDonald's class today?
a) Choose this one

Who has earned the most stamps overall today?
a) Choose this one again

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