Micro Chapter 12 Question Preview (ID: 63010)

Micro Chapter 12. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

This phylum of fungi produce no hyphae and are mostly intracellular parasites
a) Zygomycota
b) Microsporidia
c) Basidiomycota
d) Ascomycota

A scolex of a helminth is a(n):
a) Cuticle
b) Oral sucker
c) Hyphae
d) Head, segments

Protozoa produce cysts that protects them in adverse conditions
a) True
b) False

The cytosome of a protozoa is
a) a covering
b) a mouth-like opening
c) a way to eliminate waste
d) functions in digestion

This has a scolex, 4 suckers with hooks and doesn’t contain a gut.
a) Tapeworm (Cestode)
b) Fluke (Trematode)
c) Nematode
d) Arthropod

When a definitive host is infected, the parasite will not reproduce sexually, no eggs will be in the stool.
a) True
b) False

Identify the phyla of algae that are also known as plankton and produce neurotoxins
a) Diatoms
b) Colored algae
c) Dinoflagellates
d) Water molds

This fungus grows and breakdown open soil and rock.
a) Diatoms
b) Yeasts
c) Saprobe
d) Lichen

This type of fungal infections are near hair shafts and surface epidermal cells are categorized as
a) Opportunistic
b) Cutaneous
c) Superficial
d) Subcutaneous

This phylum of fungi of causes black bread mold
a) Microsporidia
b) Zygomycota
c) Ascomycota
d) Basidiomycota

Which of the following statements regarding fungi is FALSE?
a) Fungi tolerate low moisture conditions.
b) Fungi are eukaryotic heterotrophs.
c) Most fungi are pathogenic for humans.
d) Fungi reproduce by forming asexual or sexual spores.

Helminthic diseases are usually transmitted to humans by
a) gastrointestinal route.
b) respiratory route.
c) genitourinary route.
d) vectors.

In the malaria parasite life cycle, humans are the ________ host, while mosquitoes are the ________ host as well as the vector.
a) definitive; intermediate
b) vector; intermediate
c) intermediate; definitive
d) temporary; final

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