AP Psych Quarter 3 Review Question Preview (ID: 62990)

Review Of Units 6 And 7. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which is a commonly used method in psychology for measuring personality?
a) Correlational studies
b) Experimental research
c) Naturalistic observation
d) Self-report questionnaire

Who is Mary Ainsworth most well-known for her work in the field of psychology?
a) Cognitive development
b) Behavioral conditioning
c) Attachment theory
d) Humanistic psychology

Which of the following is an example of scaffolding in AP Psychology?
a) Assigning a 10-page research paper on a new topic
b) Giving a lecture and expecting students to take notes
c) Providing a detailed outline for an essay question
d) Assigning pop quizzes without prior discussion

Which stage in Piaget's theory of cognitive development involves children learning through interaction with physical environment?
a) Formal operational stage
b) Preoperational stage
c) Sensorimotor stage
d) Concrete operational stage

Which puts Piaget's stages in the correct order
a) Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete operational, Formal operational
b) Preoperational, Sensorimotor, Concrete operational, Formal operational
c) Preoperational, Sensorimotor, Formal operational, Concrete operational
d) Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Formal operational, Concrete operational

Which of the following is an example of Kohlberg's conventional level of moral development in AP Psychology?
a) A child doesn't steal a toy because they fear punishment
b) A teenager decides not to cheat because it's unfair to others
c) An adult gives to charity because it makes them feel good
d) A person lies to avoid hurting someone's feelings

Which term in AP Psychology refers to an optimal period early in life when exposure to certain stimuli produces normal development?
a) Cognitive Period
b) Sensitive Period
c) Critical Period
d) Reflexive Period

Which part of the brain is primarily responsible for long-term memory?
a) Frontal lobe
b) Temporal lobe
c) Parietal lobe
d) Occipital lobe

What is a cardinal trait according to AP Psychology?
a) A trait that only appears in certain situations
b) A minimal trait that doesn't affect behavior significantly
c) A trait that dominates an individual's life, directing most behaviors
d) A trait that can be easily changed over time

Who focused on morality when Studying the stages of development
a) Erikson
b) Piaget
c) Kholberg
d) Freud

Which of these is the last psychosexual stage of development
a) latent
b) oral
c) phallic
d) genital

Which psychologist ran the bobo doll experiment
a) James Allenport
b) Alfred Bandura
c) Mary Ainsworth
d) Harry Harlow

Someone who is obsess with cleanliness and order would be described by freud as
a) Anal retentive
b) Anal expulsive
c) Oral retentive
d) Oral expulsive

Which of the following is NOT one of Piaget's stages of cognitive development?
a) A) Preoperational stage
b) B) Concrete operational stage
c) C) Latent learning stage
d) D) Sensorimotor stage

Which of the following scenarios best exemplifies Erikson's stage of Industry vs. Inferiority?
a) A) A toddler learning to walk
b) B) An infant learning trust by being cared for
c) C) A teenager striving for a sense of identity
d) D) An elderly person reflecting on their life

Which of the following best describes the zygote phase in human development?
a) A. The stage after the fetus develops organs
b) B. The stage when the baby is born
c) C. The phase between embryo and fetus
d) D. The initial phase after fertilization where the egg and sperm cell unite

Which of the following is an example of the Freudian defense mechanism known as projection?
a) A) A student blames his failure on the teacher's teaching skills
b) B) A person forgets an unpleasant experience
c) C) A person redirects their anger towards a less threatening object
d) D) A person refuses to accept a harsh reality

What is the correct order of needs in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs from bottom to top?
a) A) Esteem, Safety, Physiological, Love/Belonging, Self-Actualization
b) B) Physiological, Love/Belonging, Safety, Esteem, Self-Actualization
c) C) Physiological, Safety, Love/Belonging, Esteem, Self-Actualization
d) D) Safety, Physiological, Esteem, Love/Belonging, Self-Actualization

Which of the following is an example of modeling in AP Psychology?
a) A student studying for a test overnight
b) A teacher providing feedback on an essay
c) A child behaving properly after seeing their sibling get rewarded for good behavior
d) A student taking notes during a lecture

Which of the following best describes assimilation in childhood development?
a) The absorption of new information into pre-existing schemas
b) The modification of existing schemas due to new information
c) The ability to adjust to changes in sensory inputs
d) The process of inhibiting specific responses to stimuli

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