D2 Environmental Changes Question Preview (ID: 62975)

8.11B; 7.10C - Short/Long Term Changes - Traits. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How are future populations affected by long-term environmental change?
a) Future populations inherit feeding patterns.
b) Future populations pass on fewer inherited traits.
c) Future populations inherit traits that allow for survival in the new environment.
d) Future populations with inherited traits suffer from disease and malnutrition.

Fish gills are an adaptation that allow fish to live in water. This adaptation allows them to--
a) find shelter
b) raise their young
c) gather and store food for later use
d) take oxygen from a water molecule

a) Organ that serves no useful function in an
b) Inherited characteristic that increases an organisms chance of survival
c) Preserved remains or evidence of an ancient organism
d) Change in a kind of organism over time

As their environment slowly changes, organisms with certain traits are more likely to survive and produce offspring with those same traits. This statement describes
a) cell division
b) genetic engineering
c) resource conservation
d) natural selection

When a population grows larger than its carrying capacity, limiting factors in the environment cause the population to:
a) increase
b) decrease
c) stay the same
d) undergo coevolutions

A native species is competing for resources with a nonnative species that was accidentally introduced into the area. The nonnative species is more likely to survive than the native species when
a) both species eat the same food
b) predators prey on both species
c) the native species is immune to a particular pathogen present in the ecosystem
d) the nonnative species has no natural enemies present in the ecosystem

Why is a short-term environmental change more likely to negatively affect a population than a long-term change?
a) Animals do not have time to adapt.
b) Animals always die.
c) Animals always move away and leave the ecosystem with less biodiversity.
d) All of the above.

In short-term environmental changes organisms that are not able to flee (run away) most likely _____.
a) adapt
b) change
c) die
d) live

the ability of an ecosystem to return to a state of equilibrium following a disturbance
a) Ecosystem stability
b) community
c) succession
d) symbiosis

a) organisms that change their routine due to predators
b) species understanding the boundary of another species
c) mutualist relationship between organisms
d) permanent alteration of genes within a species

A species in an ecosystem that plays a central role in the health of that ecosystem, and whose removal may cause the collapse of the ecosystem, is called a(n)
a) keystone
b) indicator
c) generalist
d) specialist

a) exhausting all the natural resources in atmosphere
b) top predators providing energy for their prey
c) species that no longer exist; they have died out
d) species that extend their symbiotic relationships to other species

a) dating among organisms
b) collision between two galaxies
c) interaction between species for a natural resource
d) two male organisms staring at each other

a) all living and nonliving things interacting in an area
b) all living things competing with non living things
c) all non living things growing in an area
d) all organisms that can decompose

a) group of individuals of different species occupying an area
b) group of individuals of the same species occupying an area
c) group of tissue making up organs
d) group of cells making up tissue

a) a remake of your favorite movie
b) a change in the water molecules in the air
c) a process going from solid to liquid to gas
d) genetic change or mutation that helps an organism survive in their environment

Long term environmental change
a) lunar pull and supernova
b) glacial separation and sun shining
c) thunderstorms and high tides
d) deforestation, volcanic eruption, oil spill, global warming

a) organisms adapting to blend in with their environment
b) organisms that can look like more dangerous predator
c) organisms that can intimidate top predators
d) organisms that have a mutualistic relationship with other organisms

a) different types of plants, animals and resources in a given area
b) two organisms competing
c) top predators taking over an area
d) producers providing energy to an ecosystem

Short term environmental changes
a) urbanization and deforestation
b) drought, flooding, pollution
c) global warming and weathering
d) deposition and erosion

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