Fahrenheit 451 Question Preview (ID: 62973)

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delicate and intricate ornamentation
a) filigree
b) limn
c) perfunctorily
d) teem

make a portrait of
a) limn
b) teem
c) gingerly
d) fervor

in a set manner without serious attention
a) perfunctorily
b) teem
c) gingerly
d) fervor

be full of or abuzz with
a) teem
b) gingerly
c) fervor
d) loam

in a manner marked by extreme care or delicacy
a) gingerly
b) fervor
c) loam
d) juggernaut

depth of feeling
a) fervor
b) loam
c) juggernaut
d) heresy

a rich soil consisting of sand, clay, and organic materials
a) loam
b) juggernaut
c) hersey
d) cadence

a mastic inexorable force
a) juggernaut
b) heresy
c) cadence
d) oblivion

when you don’t agree with an official belief or religion
a) heresy
b) cadence
c) oblivion
d) penance

the rhythmic rise and fall of the voice
a) cadence
b) oblivion
c) penance
d) pyre

the state of being disregarded or forgotten
a) oblivion
b) penance
c) pyre
d) allot

voluntary self-punishment in order to atone for something
a) penance
b) pyre
c) allot
d) clad

wood heaped for burning a dead body as a funeral rite
a) pyre
b) allot
c) clad
d) converge

administer or bestow, as in small portions
a) allot
b) clad
c) converge
d) incite

having an outwe covering especially of thin metal
a) clad
b) converge
c) incite
d) multifaceted

move or draw together at a certain location
a) converge
b) incite
c) multifaceted
d) stolid

having many aspects/parts
a) multifaceted
b) converge
c) clad
d) stolid

provoke or stir up
a) incite
b) converge
c) stolid
d) feigning

not expressing any emotion
a) stolid
b) feigning
c) multifaceted
d) incite

to give a false appearance of
a) feigning
b) stolid
c) incite
d) clad

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