Math Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 62972)

Review Of Early Childhood Math Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The recitation of numbers in order (by memory)
a) cardinality
b) 1:1 correspondence
c) rote counting
d) sequencing

Groups of objects that are alike in some way and therefore belong together
a) sets
b) cardinality
c) specific task assessment
d) matching

Symbols that represent quantity
a) cardinality
b) classification
c) numerals
d) sorting

MENTALLY grouping objects of ideas into categories based on some unique feature
a) sorting
b) classification
c) rote counting
d) sequencing

PHYSICALLY separating objects into categories based on unique features
a) cardinality
b) 1:1 correspondence
c) sorting
d) classification

Understanding that one group has the same number as another; counting objects 1 by 1
a) 1:1 correspondence
b) sequencing
c) matching
d) rote counting

The last number of a sequence tells how many objects exist
a) sequencing
b) sets
c) specific task assessment
d) cardinality

Assessment that involves giving children set activities to determine skills and/or needs
a) matching
b) specific task assessment
c) observation
d) Doritos

Form of classification for putting like objects together
a) numerals
b) cardinality
c) sequencing
d) matching

Ordering objects from shortest to tallest or tallest to shortest
a) sequencing
b) sorting
c) matching
d) classification

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