Weather, Climate, And Water Cycle Prt. 2 Question Preview (ID: 62896)

Weather Climate Water Cycle. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The sun's rays warming the ground is an example of
a) radiation
b) convection
c) conduction
d) precipitation

The ground transferring heat to the air right above it is an example of
a) conduction
b) convection
c) transpiration
d) radiation

The air becoming less dense and rising, then cooling and sinking is an example of
a) convection
b) conduction
c) radiation
d) precipitation

When one spot of fluid heats up, it becomes ___ dense which causes it to rise
a) less
b) more
c) rapid
d) sleepy

When a fluid cools down it becomes ____ dense and sinks.
a) more
b) less
c) rapid
d) sleepy

As warm fluid rises and cooled fluid sinks, this leads to a circular motion known as
a) convection
b) conduction
c) precipitation
d) radiation

An air mass is a large body of air with uniform temperature and humidity
a) True
b) false

A front is a place where ___ ____ air masses meet.
a) two different
b) two same
c) both the same

What occurs where two different air masses meet?
a) storms and precipitation
b) mountains form
c) nothing happens
d) earthquakes

When the air pressure outside decreases, it tends to produce
a) cloudier skies and in some cases precipitation
b) sunny skies and no precipitation
c) volcanic eruptions
d) tornadoes

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