World War II: Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 62891)

Ww2 Assessment. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following was NOT an Allied leader during WW2?
a) Tojo
b) Stalin
c) Roosevelt
d) Churchill

Which country was invaded by Nazi Germany to start WWII?
a) France
b) England
d) Poland

Which of the following countries was NOT an Allied Power during WW2?
a) China
c) Italy
d) France

What is one region/country that Hitler and Nazi Germany did not annex or invade prior to the start of WW2?
a) Rhineland
b) Norway
c) Austria
d) Czechoslavakia

What policy by the Allied Powers prior to WW2 helped lead to the start of WW2 by giving in to the demands of Hitler and Nazi Germany?
a) appraisal
b) appeasement
c) alliance
d) none of the above

What global event greatly hurt Germany and its economy?
a) Invention of the Automobile
b) Great Depression
c) French Elections
d) Space Race

What was the term for 'lightning war'?
a) blitzkreig
b) blitzbomb
c) blitzkleinen
d) blitzenfitzen

Which of the following countries did Nazi Germany NOT conquer early in the war?
a) Norway
b) Ireland
c) Denmark
d) Belgium

What was the operation codename for the evacuation of the B.E.F. from Dunkirk during WW2?
a) Dynamite
b) Dynamo
c) Dynasaur
d) Dynakracken

Who helped with the evacuation from Dunkirk?
a) British civilians
b) French diplomats
c) Greek sailors
d) Irish poets

Which most accurately characterizes the policy followed by the United States in the years between World War I and World War II?
a) isolation from European military conflicts
b) active membership in the League of Nations
c) containment of Communism
d) military alliances with France and Great Britain

Because of the heroic stand of Britain's air force in the Battle of Britain, Hitler was forced to
a) Focus his energies on France
b) Resign from power
c) Sign a peace treaty with Britain
d) Abandon plans to invade Britain

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