World War II (Part 2) Question Preview (ID: 62880)

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Which island did U.S. marines attack so they could get closer to Japan?
a) Pearl Harbor
b) Iwo Jima
c) Hiroshima
d) Nagasaki

What was the Holocaust?
a) the murder of millions of Jews by Hitler's Nazis
b) the beginning of communism
c) the concentrated effort of attack by the Allies
d) word used to describe rationing

Germany, Italy, and Japan (the Axis Powers) had a policy of MILITARISM. This means...
a) They chose not to get involved with other countries
b) They shrank the size of their military and refused to use force to solve problems
c) They built up their military forces and used them to get more land and power
d) They protested that Great Britain and France were using their military forces to gain power

Which person was a leader of one of the Axis Powers?
a) Hitler
b) Stalin
c) Churchill
d) Roosevelt

How were Hitler and Mussolini similar?
a) Both supported immigration
b) Both led peace movements
c) Both supported voting rights
d) Both established dictatorships

Italy was one of the Axis Powers. Who was Italy's leader?
a) Hitler
b) Stalin
c) Churchill
d) Mussolini

As war ended, allied forces entered areas that HAD been under German control. They saw that Concentration Camps were used to...
a) retrain soldiers
b) kill Jewish people
c) store food and weapons
d) build secret weapons

President Truman chose to end the war with Japan by....
a) forming a blockade to prevent Japan from getting aid
b) preparing an invasion that would cost many American lives
c) using atomic bombs to force them to surrender
d) waiting until Japanese political and military leaders asked to surrender

Joseph Stalin was ___________.
a) an Italian dictator
b) a British General
c) A dictator of the Soviet Union
d) a military advisor to Hitler

The leaders of the AXIS Powers were Germany's Hitler, Italy's Mussolini, and ___________.
a) Japan's Mao Tse-tung
b) Japan's Hirohito
c) Japan's Chiang Kai-shek
d) Japan's Emperor Shihuangdi

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