Cells And Microscope Review Question Preview (ID: 62871)

4th Grade Quiz Review For Cells Unit. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Cells can best be seen with a ____________.
a) Magnifying glass
b) Computer
c) Microscope
d) Single lens

Humans are made up of _____ different types of cells?
a) 20
b) 100
c) 10
d) 200

A human body can be made up of _______ of cells .
a) Trillions
b) Billions
c) Thousands
d) Millions

What part is the outside of a plant cell called?
a) nucleus
b) cytoplasm
c) cell wall
d) cell membrane

What organelles do plant cells have that animal cells don't?
a) cell wall and green choloroplasts
b) cell wall and cytoplasm
c) cell membrane and green cholorplasts
d) cell membrane and cytoplasm

What is the outside of an animal cell called?
a) cell wall
b) cell membrane
c) cytoplasm
d) nucleus

What is the job of the cytoplasm of a cell?
a) It controls the cell's growth and contains the DNA.
b) It holds the all the organelles in their place.
c) It produces food for the plant using photosynthesis.
d) It protects the cell and gives the cell shape and structure.

Mr. Vu will put up a picture of a microscope. Which microscope part is labeled with the letter B?
a) objective lenses
b) fine adjustment know
c) course adjustment knob
d) eyepiece

Mr. Vu will put up a picture of a microscope. Which microscope part is labeled with the letter E?
a) stage
b) base
c) arm
d) eyepiece

Mr. Vu will put up a picture of a microscope. Which microscope part is labeled with the letter F?
a) mirror or light source
b) objective lenses
c) course adjustment knob
d) stage clips

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