History Of Greece Part II Question Preview (ID: 62867)

History Of Greece Part II. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The olympics were held to
a) cease war for a time
b) help with city-state relations
c) worship the gods
d) help with the weight problem

One god associated with the arts was
a) Apollo
b) Zeus
c) Nike
d) Cupid

Important qualities of Greek art did not include
a) harmony
b) asymmetry
c) simplicity
d) finger paints

Much was what is known about Greek dress comes from
a) works of art
b) historical reords
c) oral tradition
d) pictures

One type of Greek column was the
a) Thessalonian
b) Abstract
c) Doric
d) Tall

The Parthenon was dedicated to the goddess...
a) Athena
b) Aphrodite
c) Hera
d) Suna

An optical illusion occurs when...
a) your eyes see spots in different patterns
b) an object appears to take a shape it does not have
c) different people see the same object as having a different color
d) a double rainbow

What was the most decisive battle of the Persian War?
a) Battle of Salamis
b) Battle of Pelopenesia
c) Battle of Alexander the Great
d) Battle of the Bulge

A public speaker is known as a
a) teacher
b) preacher
c) orater
d) friend

Who was considered one of the greatest public speakers?
a) Sophocles
b) Homer
c) Aesop
d) Pericles

What league did many city states create to protect themselves against major powers?
a) Delian League
b) Athenian League
c) Probable League
d) Homer League

What was the name of Sparta's league?
a) Delian
b) Spartan
c) Pelopponesian
d) Unpopular

The Spartans surrounded Athens and held the city under ...
a) water
b) seige
c) none of these
d) both of these

Sparta sided with which old enemy to defeat Athens?
a) Persia
b) Sicily
c) Australia
d) Russia

Most of what we know about the Peloponnesian War comes from a historian named...
a) Sophocles
b) Aristotle
c) Archimedes
d) Thucydides

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