Spot The Adjective. Question Preview (ID: 62857)

Practice Finding The Adjective. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

She is a fast runner.
a) is
b) runner
c) fast
d) she

I ate a tasty pizza for supper.
a) supper
b) tasty
c) pizza
d) I

The lazy cat sleeps all day.
a) cat
b) day
c) sleeps
d) lazy

The yellow plane flew above my head.
a) yellow
b) head
c) flew
d) The

The snake slithered out of the dark hole.
a) snake
b) hole
c) slithered
d) dark

The crazy chef prepared breakfast for lunch.
a) lunch
b) crazy
c) prepared
d) chef

The brave lifeguard rescued the child from the deep end of the pool.
a) lifeguard
b) child
c) pool
d) brave

My students like to read scary books at Halloween.
a) students
b) scary
c) read
d) Halloween

Does bright light hurt your eyes?
a) eyes
b) light
c) hurt
d) bright

The boy helped his dad cut the tall grass.
a) grass
b) boy
c) tall
d) dad

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