Ecosystems Exam 1 Question Preview (ID: 62852)

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What is the typical vegetation of the grasslands?
a) Large Trees, Very Little Grass
b) Large Variety of Plants
c) No plants
d) Grass, Bushes, and Small Trees

About half of Earth's biodiversity exists in its tropical rain forests. This means that tropical rain forests have
a) more plants than animals
b) more animals than plants
c) the greatest number of animals of any climate region
d) the greatest number of different species of any climate region

The tropical rain forest is a biome with many biotic and abiotic factors. Abiotic factors in this biome include
a) 200-400 cm of rainfall each year
b) less than 50 cm of rainfall each year
c) cold temperatures
d) tall trees with broad leaves

The tundra is a biome with many biotic and abiotic factors. The abiotic factors in this biome include
a) arctic foxes
b) arctic hares
c) lemmings
d) permafrost

Which of the following is abiotic?
a) grass
b) water
c) alligator
d) gar

Abiotic is a
a) Nonliving thing
b) Living thing
c) Dog
d) Plant

What is deforestation?
a) The destruction of forests for development.
b) The removal of companies that want to use the forest.
c) The destruction of the cities.
d) The development of fields and valleys for urban sprawl.

Ecosystems are made of biotic and abiotic factors. Which of the following is a biotic factor?
a) producers
b) water
c) air
d) soil

An ecosystem is made of biotic factors. Which of the following is not a biotic factor?
a) Sunlight
b) Rabbits
c) Grass
d) Trees

Which of the following is NOT a natural cause of ecosystem disturbances?
a) Wildfires
b) Earthquakes
c) Hurricanes
d) Industrial Pollution

Which of the following is a natural cause of ecosystem disturbances?
a) Industrial Pollution
b) Deforestation
c) Farming
d) Volcanic Eruptions

a) is only important to biochemists
b) causes diseases to destroy populations
c) helps to keep ecosystems stable
d) is found only in tropical rainforests

Which of the following is NOT one of the five main types of biomes?
a) Tundra
b) Desert
c) Mountains
d) Grassland

What is an organism?
a) a naturally occurring mineral
b) a type of non-living substance
c) an individual animal, plant, or single-celled life form
d) an artificial intelligence system

Which of the following is not considered a layer in a forest ecosystem?
a) Understory
b) Canopy
c) Floor
d) Ground

What does the term understory layer primarily refer to in a forest ecosystem?
a) The topmost layer composed of larger trees
b) The layer composed of grass and moss
c) The layer composed of small shrubs and plants under the forest canopy
d) The layer composed of decomposing organic matter

What does the forest floor layer primarily consist of?
a) Freshwater and snow
b) Dead leaves and animal droppings
c) Live trees and birds
d) Rock and sand

Which description best fits the canopy layer of a forest?
a) The lowest layer, populated by fungi and decomposers.
b) The semi-top layer, home to birds and receives plenty of sunlight
c) The middle layer, primarily occupied by large mammals.
d) The submerged layer, found in aquatic ecosystems

What is the correct order of layers in a forest from top to bottom?
a) Forest floor, understory, canopy, tallest layer
b) Canopy, understory, tallest layer, forest floor
c) Tallest layer, canopy, understory, forest floor
d) Understory, forest floor, canopy, tallest layer

What does the term tallest layer in a rainforest ecosystem refer to?
a) The topmost layer where trees are shorter
b) The bottommost layer where shrubs and small plants exist
c) The layer where most animals live
d) The layer with the tallest trees that protrude above the rest of the vegetation

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