Newton's 1st Law Question Preview (ID: 62846)

Alternative Assessment Choice W6 Physics OHDELA. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

an English physicist and mathematician, was one of the most brilliant scientists in history
a) Einstein
b) Edison
c) Galileo
d) Newton

Newton’s three ____ of motion are probably the most widely known natural laws in all of science.
a) theories
b) laws
c) facts
d) suggestions

Newton's laws explain the relationships between the forces acting on an object, the object’s mass, and its ____.
a) velocity
b) magnitude
c) motion
d) displacement

A force is a push or _____ or any action that has the ability to change motion.
a) pull
b) lift
c) work
d) power

an object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by an _____ (unbalanced-net) force
a) unending
b) eternal
c) universal
d) outside

Anytime there is a change in motion a ______ must exist, even if you cannot immediately recognize the force.
a) velocity
b) magnitude
c) force
d) acceleration

Inertia is the property of an object that ____ changes in its motion.
a) allows
b) resists
c) promotes
d) permits

Objects with more ___ have more inertia.
a) mass
b) volume
c) speed
d) displacement

The newton (N) is the ____ unit of force.
a) largest
b) only
c) customary
d) metric

Forces have a magnitude and a ____.
a) speed
b) distance
c) direction
d) time

Force is a ______ quantity.
a) scalar
b) vector
c) both vector and scalar
d) neither vector nor scalar

____Force is the overall force acting on an object after all forces are combined.
a) Net
b) Gross
c) Max
d) Total

Forces in the same direction are ____.
a) multiplied
b) squared
c) subtracted
d) added

When two forces act in opposite directions, you _____ the smaller force from the larger force to determine the net force.
a) multiply
b) add
c) subtract
d) divide

a sketch that shows an object and the forces acting on it; also called a force diagram
a) free body diagram
b) vector graph
c) free motion exchange
d) vector displacement

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