CE.6 Judicial Branch Question Preview (ID: 62844)

CE.6 Judicial Branch. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The judicial branch consists of federal courts, including the highest court of the land. Which court is that?
a) Appeals Court
b) Civil Court
c) Criminal Court
d) Supreme Court

The federal courts try cases involving federal law and questions involving interpretation of the ________________.
a) Articles of Confederation
b) Constitution
c) Declaration of Independence
d) Magna Carta

The Supreme Court exercises the power of judicial _________.
a) appeal
b) review
c) revision
d) understanding

How does the judicial branch CHECK on (limit the power of) the executive branch?
a) The court can declare presidential acts unconstitutional.
b) The court can declare laws unconstitutional.
c) The president nominates judges.
d) Congress can impeach judges and remove them from office.

How does the judicial branch CHECK on (limit the power of) the legislative branch?
a) The court can declare presidential acts unconstitutional.
b) The court can declare laws unconstitutional.
c) The president nominates judges.
d) Congress can impeach judges and remove them from office.

How does the executive branch CHECK on (limit the power of) the judicial branch?
a) The court can declare presidential acts unconstitutional.
b) The court can declare laws unconstitutional.
c) The president nominates judges.
d) Congress can impeach judges and remove them from office.

How does the legislative branch CHECK on (limit the power of) the judicial branch?
a) The court can declare presidential acts unconstitutional.
b) The court can declare laws unconstitutional.
c) The president nominates judges.
d) Congress can impeach judges and remove them from office.

Where does the judicial branch meet?
a) The White House
b) The US Capital Building
c) The Supreme Court Building

Which article of the Constitution of the United States guarantees that every person accused of wrongdoing has the right to a fair trial before a competent judge and a jury of one's peers?
a) Article I (1)
b) Article II (2)
c) Article III (3)
d) Article IV (4)

Does the Constitution list specific requirements for becoming a federal judge?
a) yes
b) no

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