Greek Prefixes, Root Words, And Suffixes Question Preview (ID: 62841)

Students Will Practice Identifying Common Greek Prefixes, Root Words, And Suffixes. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What does the Greek root word 'polis' mean? (metropolis, cosmopolitan, policy)
a) street
b) city
c) world
d) travel

What does the Greek root word 'port' mean? (portable, portal, transport)
a) carry
b) between
c) ship
d) remove

What does the Greek root word 'bene' mean? (benefit, benevolent, benefactor)
a) addition
b) balanced
c) good
d) rich

What does the Greek root word 'gen' mean? (regenerate, generation, genetics)
a) birth
b) age
c) years
d) history

What does the Greek root word 'mal' mean? (malevolent, malignant, malicious)
a) fast
b) strong
c) good
d) bad

What does the Greek root word 'ject' mean? (trajectory, eject, projector)
a) grab
b) throw
c) jump
d) protect

What does the Greek root word 'bio' mean? (biology, biome, biography)
a) science
b) human
c) life
d) atmosphere

What does the Greek root word 'hydro' mean? (hydroplane, hydroxide, hydrodynamics)
a) earth
b) space
c) flooding
d) water

What does the Greek root word 'para' mean? (paranoia, paragraph, parachute)
a) alongside
b) fear
c) clear
d) away from

What does the Greek root word 'min' mean? (minutiae, diminish, diminutive)
a) increase
b) continue
c) lessen
d) stop

What does the Greek root word 'ambi' mean? (ambidextrous, ambiguous, ambivert)
a) neither
b) both
c) one side
d) unclear

What does the Greek root word 'alter' mean? (alternate, altercation, alterego)
a) other
b) evil
c) move
d) praise

What does the Greek root word 'mono' mean? (monopoly, monologue, monotheism)
a) self
b) two
c) game
d) one

What does the Greek suffix 'ology' mean? (psychology, biology, dermatology)
a) study of
b) mind reading
c) career
d) body

What does the Greek root word 'pseudo' mean? (pseudoscience, pseudonym)
a) confusing
b) real
c) fake
d) clear

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