Subatomic Physics Question Preview (ID: 6283)
Holt Physics Chapter 25.
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The nucleus of an atom is made up of
a) electons and protons
b) electrons and neutrons
c) protons, electrons, and neutrons
d) protons and neutrons
Light nuclei are stable when
a) they conatain more protons than neutrons
b) they contain more neutons than protons
c) they contain equal numbers of protons and neutrons
d) the coulomb force is stronger than the nuclear force
Samples of 2 different isotopesx & y both contain the same number of radioactive atoms. X has a half-life twice that of Y. How do their rates of radiation compare?
a) X has a greater rate than Y
b) X has a smaller rate than Y
c) Rates of X and Y are equal
d) Rate depends on atomic number, not half-life
In fission reactions, the binding energy per nucleon must ______ atomic number
a) remain constant; increasing
b) remain constant; decreasing
c) increase; increasing
d) decrease; increasing
In order to adequately control a chain reaction, it is necessary to have within the fissionable material a nonfissionable material that _________ neutrons.
a) contributes
b) absorbs
c) emits
d) reflects
How is a fission reaction different from a fusion reaction?
a) the fuel is cheaper
b) the fuel must be processed
c) there is less radioactive waste
d) the transportation of fuel is safer
Which interaction of nature holds the planets, stars, and galaxies together, even though its effect on elementary particles is negligible?
a) storn
b) weak
c) electromagnetic
d) gravitational
Which of the following do physicists believe are fundamental particles?
a) 3 quarks and 3 leptons
b) 6 quarks and 3 leptons
c) 3 quarks and 6 leptons
d) 6 quarks and 6 leptons
During the radiation era of the big bang theory, most energy was in the form of radiation. What form did matter take?
a) hydrogen atoms
b) ions
c) electrons
d) ions and electrons
A radioactive material initially is observed to have an activity of 800 counts/s. If 4 h later it is ovserved to have an activity of 200 counts/s, what is its half-life?
a) 1 hour
b) 2 hour
c) 4 hour
d) 8 hour
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