Ch 13 Pharmacy Test Question Preview (ID: 62819)

Chapter 13 Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

CSP means
a) compounded sterile preparation
b) controlled sterility preparations
c) compounded sterile product
d) compounding sterile pH

NS is
a) 0.45% potassium chloride
b) 9% sodium chloride
c) 0.9% sodium lactate
d) 0.9% sodium chloride

What is the pH of blood?
a) 7.4
b) 7
c) 6.8
d) 0.9

If cells are hypotonic they
a) swell
b) shrink
c) infiltrate
d) mutate

NS is a/an ______ solution
a) hypotonic
b) isotonic
c) hypertonic
d) abnormal

Hypertonic cells may
a) become cancerous
b) burst
c) swell
d) shrivel

Which of the following is not true regarding IV fluid?
a) sterile water for injection can be used to reconstitute all IV medications
b) chemical compatibility must be considered when infusing IV fluid
c) the degree of alkalinity or acidity of IV fluid can effect the body
d) manufacturers add overfill to compensate for evaporation

a 250 mL bag of LR is
a) an isotonic SVP
b) an isotonic LVP
c) a hypertonic SVP
d) a hypotonic LVP

Which of the following may be used to make an IV admixture for multiple patients?
a) MDV
b) SDV
c) ampule

A secondary IV SVP may be added to the Y-site of a LVP. This is called
a) priming the tubing
b) PCA
d) infusion pump

a 2 in 1 TPN is lacking
a) dextrose
c) amino acids
d) lipids

a MDV can be used for up to
a) 28 days
b) 30 days
c) 14 days
d) 7 days

Which contains standards for HD compounding?
a) USP 797
b) USP 800
c) USP 795
d) USP 825

a drug that causes harm to a growing fetus is
a) teratogenic
b) carcinogenic
c) genotoxic
d) organ toxic

What is not true regarding medical surveilance
a) technicians must ensure they have approved garb
b) women within childbearing age should discuss with their supervisor
c) baseline blood work will be established prior to compounding HD
d) pregnant women should not handle HD

PPE worn in a HD clean room is removed
a) in the ante room
b) in the clean room except shoe covers may be worn out
c) before leaving the clean room
d) in the central pharmacy area

All of the following apply to garb in the HD clean room except
a) a second pair of chemo rated gloves must be donned
b) each shoe must be covered with two shoe covers
c) lab coat may double as a chemo gown as long as every button is fastened
d) chemo gown must tie in the back

PPE must be worn for all of the following except
a) receiving HD
b) stocking HD inventory
c) transporting HD
d) updating the NDC for a HD in the pharmacy operating system

All of the following may be used for HD compounding except
a) Class II A2
b) Class II A1
c) Class III
d) Class II B1

Which is true regarding HD compounding
a) must be done in a room with positive pressure
b) must be done in horizontal flow hoods
c) must be done in a room with negative pressure
d) must use ampules or a needle and syringe

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