Communism In China Question Preview (ID: 62816)
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After the emperor was overthrown, what two political parties emerged in China?
a) Nationalist and Communist
b) Democratic and Monarchy
c) Republic and Constitutional Monarchy
d) Communist and Democratic
Who was the leader of the Communist Party that was beginning in China?
a) Emperor Hirohito
b) Mao Zedong
c) Douglas MacArthur
d) Joseph Stalin
What did the Communist Party promise to bring to China?
a) More farms and big cities
b) Less government control
c) Food to the poor and wealth to all Chinese people.
d) Freedom to live as they wanted.
In what year was the Communist state of the People's Republic of China established?
a) 1921
b) 1941
c) 1949
d) 1965
Why did the poor peasants support the Chinese Communist Party?
a) It promised them food and a better quality of life.
b) It promised them freedom of religion.
c) It promised them representation in the government.
d) It promised them an education.
Which country was China's key ally (friend/supporter) throughout the mid-1900's?
a) United States
b) Japan
c) France
d) Soviet Union
What was the name of the economic plan that the Chinese government developed in order to boost China's economy?
a) Money for Nothing
b) Great Leap Forward
c) Super Savers Club
d) Miles of Millions
What three (3) problems caused the Great Leap Forward to fail?
a) environmental disasters
b) poor government management
c) government corruption
d) All of the above
What was the biggest result of the Great Leap Forward?
a) Tsunami - 10 million people died
b) Earthquake - 1,000 people died
c) Famine - 20 million people died
d) Flood - 10,000 people died
What was the movement to restore ancient Chinese culture and tradition was called?
a) Glory Days
b) Cultural Revolution
c) Turn Back the Clock
d) Return to Power
What was the true purpose of the Cultural Revolution?
a) To bring in a democratic government.
b) To give people more freedoms
c) To bring a rebirth of arts and music to China.
d) To eliminate opposition to Mao Zedong's Communist rule.
Who was the Red Guard and what did they do?
a) The police in China that enforced laws.
b) Students recruited by Mao that punished anyone who opposed Communism.
c) The Chinese army that stood guard at the borders.
d) Chinese people who were very mad and upset with Mao Zedong.
Where was the place where many Chinese students came together to peacefully protest Communism in 1989 but were attacked by soldiers and tanks from Chinese army killing hundreds?
a) Tiananmen Square
b) Times Square
c) Mao Zedong's palace
d) The Yellow River
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