Environ. Issues In Canada Question Preview (ID: 62802)

Four Major Issues That Canada's Environ. Faces. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The easiet way to fix environmental issues is to
a) dump chemicals in other countries water
b) have Gov. pass laws stopping them
c) cut down all the tress and start over
d) put more fish in the lakes

One way to save the animals is to
a) hunt more
b) cut down all the trees
c) make land into national parks
d) dump slag into the water

Items that contribute to Acid Rain
a) cutting down trees
b) fishing
c) bike riding
d) coal burning

Acid rain doesn't directly harm
a) statues
b) people
c) trees
d) lakes

This country signed a water quality act with Canada
a) USA
b) Mexico
c) Quebec
d) Greenland

Another term for Deforestation is
a) acid rain
b) clear cutting
c) mining
d) slag

Leftover rocks from mining
a) copper
b) slag
c) algae blooms
d) phospherous

This is an NOT an issue in the Great Lakes
a) Boats and Ships fishing too much
b) Algae Blooms
c) sewage dumping
d) chemical dumping

Name the feature that is NOT shared with US and Canada
a) Gulf of Mexico
b) Great lakes
c) Rocky Mountains
d) St. Lawerence River

Plants and animals in the Greatlakes
a) grow to massive sizes and are never unhealthy
b) are used in aquariums due to their health
c) are used to sell and eat
d) are bad to eat due to chemicals

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