American Revolution Question Preview (ID: 62797)

Questions About The American Revolution. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Name the document that states all people are created equal and have rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
a) The Virginia Plan
b) Declaration of Independence
c) The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom
d) Constitution of the United States

Who was the British General that surrendered to George Washington, brining an end to the war?
a) King George
b) George Lafayette Armistead
c) Lord Cornwallis
d) Patrick Henry

Who was this key individual in the American Revolution? I was a prominent member of the Continental Congress. I also helped frame the Declaration of Independence and I helped gain French support for American Independence.
a) Benjamin Franklin
b) Patrick Henry
c) Thomas Jefferson
d) John Adams

Defense of Own Land, Support from France, and Strong Leadership. These reasons explain:
a) Why the 1st Continental Congress met
b) Why the colonists were able to defeat Great Britain
c) Why the colonists lost to Great Britain
d) Causes of the American Revolution

Since my return to America, my master has, at the desire of my friends in England, given me my freedom. Which key individual of the American Revolution spoke these words and also wrote poems and plays promoting American independence?
a) Phillis Wheatly
b) Frederick Douglas
c) Sojourner Truth
d) George Washington

The Declaration of Independence was based on the ideas of -
a) Henry Middleton
b) John Locke
c) Edward Rutledge
d) King George

Which American victory was the turning point in the Revolutionary War?
a) Battles at Lexington and Concord
b) Battle of Saratoga
c) Battle of Gettysburg
d) Surrender at Yorktown

Which of the following is NOT a reason for the taxation of the American colonies?
a) To help with the maintaining of British troops in the colonies.
b) To help finance the French and Indian War.
c) Enforcing the Proclamation of 1763.
d) The King and Parliament believed they had the right to tax the colonies.

Who was the French nobleman that served in the Continental Army and worked with the king of France to send French troops, ships, and funds that assisted the colonists in their victory at Yorktown?
a) The Marquis de Lafayette
b) Thomas Paine
c) Thomas Jefferson
d) Lord Cornwallis

Which prominent Virginian served as a spy for the Continental Army and later won his freedom after the American Revolution?
a) Crispus Attucks
b) James Armistead Lafayette
c) Harriet Tubman
d) Marquis de Lafayette

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