Africa History Test 1 Question Preview (ID: 62795)

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Which European country colonized South Africa, Kenya, and Nigeria?
a) United States
b) Great Britain
c) France
d) Germany

What was the purpose of the Berlin Conference?
a) Teach Africans how to govern themselves independently.
b) Partition African territory among European nations peacefully
c) Grant independence to African colonies.
d) Discuss the best trade routes from Africa to Germany.

The policy of apartheid lasted for approximately 50 years in which African country?
a) South Africa
b) South America
c) Kenya
d) Nigeria

What is the apartheid system?
a) A democratic government system in Nigeria
b) An autocratic government system in D.R.C.
c) A system of laws that segregated races in South Africa
d) A system of laws that brought equality to races in Kenya

Which of the following was NOT part of apartheid in South Africa?
a) Forced relocation of 3.5 million people to Bantustans
b) Not allowing black South Africans to own land
c) Separating all public areas into white and non-white areas
d) Giving the right to vote to all South African citizens

Which of the following IS NOT a way that the world reacted to South Africa's system of apartheid?
a) Asian countries encouraged apartheid by increasing trade with South Africa
b) The United Nations imposed trade embargoes against South Africa
c) Many countries boycotted South African goods
d) Sports teams refused to play in or against South Africa.

South Africa’s first free election that was open to all races occurred in ________.
a) 1800
b) 1960
c) 1994
d) 2020

Who helped to bring the policies of apartheid to an end WHILE he was president?
a) Kwame Nkrumah
b) F.W. de Klerk
c) Jomo Kenyatta
d) Nelson Mandela

Under apartheid, which group of people held power?
a) Black South Africans of African descent
b) Black South Africans of European descent
c) White South Africans of European descent
d) All races had equal power

Which BEST describes F.W. de Klerk's role in South African history?
a) He removed the apartheid laws and freed ANC leaders from prison.
b) He forced millions of people to move to the Bantustans
c) He created the National Party which started apartheid in South Africa.
d) He sentenced Nelson Mandela to life in prison.

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